While trick-or-treating the local Witch's house, you accidentally free the criminal candies she's captured! Recapture them inside her magic bag and save the day!

Tricky Treats is a short adventure-puzzle game that can be played in any web browser (but Firefox seems to have the best performance with WebGL games).

Explore the neighborhood, solving a puzzle in each of four areas - the pumpkin patch, the corn maze, the haunted house, and the cemetery - before returning to the Witch.

Collect all 100 Treats strewn about the world, but pace yourself - they give a movement-speed boosting sugar rush, and you'll want some on the trip back! Some are rather well hidden...

And don't forget to decorate the town when you find the secret sticker sheet!

All assets not created by Atomically Massive were licensed under CC0, CC Attribution, or a non-specific license with equivalent terms. Thank you to all creators! Attributions are listed below.

"Halloween 1984" by 'z3r0 - Copyright Free Music' on YouTube

"suck_pop_02.wav" by 'joedeshon' on freesound.org

"1 Bit UI Pack" by 'Bahutan' on itch.io

"Anime Starry Night" by 'fangzhangmnm' on Sketchfab

"Candy Bars" by 'TopazDragon117' on Sketchfab

"Corn", "Scarecrow" and "Crow" by 'Onigraphics - VR e Games' on Sketchfab

"Ghost" by 'Diego T. Yamaguchi' on Sketchfab

"Ghost" by 'Andrea Horvath' on Sketchfab

"Haunted House" by 'tadeus' on Sketchfab

"Low poly pirate shovel" by 'Anna Vidal (Milaein)' on Sketchfab

"Low-Poly Spiral Candies Pack" by 'Anthony Pilcher' on Sketchfab

"mummy" by 'rabanisamim01' on Sketchfab

"Shed AO" by 'Vladislav Laryushin' on Sketchfab

"Wooden Sign - Low poly" by 'lightguard' on Sketchfab

"Vine with Leaves" by 'Tyler Stacy' on Sketchfab

"Low Poly Haunted House" by 'hazeletc' on Sketchfab

If I missed an attribution or did not provide enough detail, please contact me at atomicallymassive@gmail.com. Thanks, and enjoy!